Winter's Child

Winter's Child
Sharon Hawley Flies North for the Winter

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Walking Thoughts to Ranier

ice and tree will hold
a skater like me
no shadow of doubt

cushions ready
footstool set
relax enjoy the show

arrows set
bows drawn
winter’s ready

dumped and pushed aside
graveyard for city dead
they keep on falling


  1. Fun Poems! And who doesn't like icicles?

  2. Meanings as deep as the snow and oh-cushionally as silly as well... I like thinking of you skiting on the shadow of a tree... that bench is hilarious when looked at from your perspective, and the icicles perfect arrows of winter... I often think of petals here, the way you think of snow... the fallen...

  3. ice and tree
    will hold an observer
    like me,
    eyes skating in and out
    from warm shadows

  4. Steven, Well, me, I don't like icicles, particularly when they stick out of me and give me that cold shoulder. Other than that they remind me of caves and things that don't always hang plumb to the rest of the world.

    Silly, Kath? Me silly?

    Susan, yes, the shadows do seem warm, light, and able on thin ice. They carry little baggage.

  5. Well, I like icicles. Especially when they come in fruity flavors!

  6. You are SO lucky to have had that one big snowfall dump -- wonder if one more will come before you depart, I hope so.


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