Winter's Child

Winter's Child
Sharon Hawley Flies North for the Winter

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Catch a Falling Snowflake

Snow fell most of the day, and I walked most of the day in it. At first I worried about slipping on ice, but as the snow deepened, slipping seemed less likely and landings appeared softer. Unlike yesterday’s snow, the flakes came big, sometimes huge, landing as intricate crystals. I discovered that if I photograph directly into them and use flash, I can catch the floating flakes midair. They collect on every twig and blade of grass, forming delicate structures with their interlocking limbs, like coral reefs or swarms of bees, almost alive in gregarious communities. I wish that my close-ups turned out better; most of them are blurry. Any suggestions?

Across Rainy River in Canada, the flakes are just as big, but that’s the kind of assumption I came on this venture to investigate.

Nature, where it creeps and winds
Among her lovely works with secure
And unambitious course, —William Cowper

Woods full of crystalline white
emptiness of my apartment
back in South Pasadena

Doubts swirling away
as light snowflakes
winter has come


  1. Such a better day! Snow flakes, crystals look amazing... and your little poems glow too. A white page all set out there before you. A fantasy world it looks like now... just what you dreamed of, hope your life there is charmed with days like this one... miss you here in the land of pansies, blossoming tomatoes, and squash flowers in the Poetry garden...

  2. Thanks Kathabela, for the idea of a white page set before me. Miss you here in the crystalline land of creation, old things passed away, all things white and virgin.

  3. snow flakes
    try to catch
    a falling star

    Beautiful images and narrative. I've missed a bit. Too crazy busy but glad I checked in!

  4. Thanks, Lois, that's a nice image. Snowflakes do have something in common with falling stars.

  5. Hi Sharon,
    Your snow flake pictures look terrific. Maybe its because I don't have my glasses on. Whether or not they're perfectly clear matters not as much as the gift you're sharing with us town-folks.

  6. Thanks Joyce, good to hear from home folks.
    “lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding” Psalm 148:8

  7. The pictures with the snow falling and appearing to land right on your camera lens are some of the most incredible shots of falling snow I have ever seen. All of your pictures are beautiful, but the shots of the snow falling are magnificent. I look forward to another major snow in International Falls so I can see more of these very ingenious shots... Keep on snowing !

  8. Thanks, Michael. It was a surprise to me too, that just by switching the flash on, I could catch the nearby flakes in the picture. I took your advice about using 1000 pixel resolution for the blog. How do you like it?

  9. The 1000 pixel resolution for the blog is awesome, its great for archive purposes too... What the heck the data storage is free, so my as well go for the best quality resolution.


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